We only offer the Original Karma Kups. BE CAUTIOUS of CHEAP, FAKE KARMA KUPs. Their quality is so inferior that they could burn your hands when hot.
Whilst we need to protect the glass coffee cups from breakage during shipment, we also need to consider what happens to these products' packaging after they are being delivered to customers. Imagine how much pollution and carbon footprint have been damaging our environment globally, due to products packaging. So, what can we do? Why not use the Original Karma Kup Eco Friendly Gift Tube? Make your promo gift extra special by adding customized ribbon to tie around the Gift Tube! Karma Kup Eco Gift Tube can be used for any Glass Karma Kups for high perceived value. Click here for more information on G1798 Eco Friendly Gift Tube. Features: Recycled Material, designed to enhance the Glass Karma Kup and other Karma Kup Range. Please note that the Glass Karma Kup is sold separately. Product Size: 100 x 145mm. Custom Print on the Lid or around the Canister.
Watch this short video to gain an understanding that biodegradable packaging is going to be the way to move forward in the future in terms of products packaging. Consider what are the eco friendly alternatives to single use plastic packaging. Packaging Revolution:
Some companies are selling reusable coffee cups and calling them a Karma Kup Brand. There is only one original Karma Kup Brand out there, and it does surpass all fake coffee cups in quality, design, sizes availability, and reasonable pricing so far. There are 20 different types of Karma Kups combinations.
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