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Bamboo Wheat Straw Eco Friendly Promo Gifts-Responsible Marketing

Reusable, Renewable, or Recyclable


  • are stylish
  • are easy to clean
  • are convenient
  • are durable and
  • are better for the environment

Reusable Water Bottles are the response to wastage of plastic bottled water.

M & M Professionals Reusable drink bottles are stylish, convenient, and they help cut down wastage of plastic bottles. These water bottles are made of sustainable materials

500ml Thermal Stainless Carabiner Bottles
500ml Thermal Stainless Carabiner Bottles

Tote Color Calico Bags
Tote Color Calico Bags
Reusable Eco Karma Kup Piccolo / Mini Cup 2 Go (G1599)
Reusable Eco Karma Kup Piccolo / Mini Cup 2 Go (G1599)
Ham Cover Bags
Ham Cover Bags

Our Eco Friendly Products

Bags, coffee cups, water bottles are items that we use everyday.

We stock a wide range of Karma KupsReusable Eco Friendly Bags and Reusable Drink Bottles.

Karma Kups are a sustainable solution to the wastage of single-use takeaway coffee cups. They are  reusable cups, stylish, which you can take to coffee shops and be proud of, knowing that you help contribute a little bit toward the many environment issues as an individual.

Our reusable Calico & Cotton Bags are a replacement for plastic bags, which piled up in landfill for hundreds of years to come. Let us change the way we consider how the everyday products could congest our landfill.

Will the ban on single use plastic bag be extended to plastic cutlery, take away food container and drink container?

In Queensland, there was a movement to extend the state’s ban on single-use plastic bags from November, prompted by a recycling crisis, forcing councils to send their rubbish to landfill. There is also a call for the removal of prominent plastic waste items such a straws, cutlery cotton tips and takeaway containers, which will affect state waste recycling legislation changes by 1st July 2021.

So, how easy is it to build a better reusable habits? Lets ponder on this War On Waste video presented by Craig Reucassel
(source: War On Waste: Extended Sneak Peek, 20 April 2017 )

Make Your Business Environmentally Friendly

Our environmentally friendly promotional items are available to be custom printed with your company logo, ready for distribution to your staff and clients and for display at trade shows. We are based in Brisbane and ship our Eco Friendly promotional products Australia wide and New Zealand.

Branded Paper Bags
Branded Paper Bags
Cheese Boards & Sets
Cheese Boards & Sets
Eco Reusable Bags, Coolers
Eco Reusable Bags, Coolers
Eco Straws Sets
Eco Straws Sets
Notebooks and Notepads
Notebooks and Notepads
Eco Pens and Pencils
Eco Pens and Pencils
Reusable Cups, Mugs
Reusable Cups, Mugs
Solar Power, Cork Promo
Solar Power, Cork Promo
Eco Stationery
Eco Stationery
Glass, Jar, Jug Promo
Glass, Jar, Jug Promo
Stainless Steel Bottles
Stainless Steel Bottles
Eco Cutlery & Utensil
Eco Cutlery & Utensil
Bamboo, Wheat Straw
Bamboo, Wheat Straw
Wood Products
Wood Products
Recyclable Packagings
Recyclable Packagings

Eco Friendly Cutlery Sets

Branded Bamboo Cutlery 6 Pieces
Branded Bamboo Cutlery 6 Pieces
Wooden Set of 3 Pieces Cutleries
Wooden Set of 3 Pieces Cutleries

Beautiful Eco Products

  • Straws
  • Tableware
  • Drinkwear
  • Bags
  • Stationery
  • Notepad, Notebook
  • Pen, Pencil
  • USB

M & M Professionals is dedicated to sustainability, supplying environmentally responsible merchandise and respecting our natural resources. We help our customers project their brand and environmental goals while reducing landfill usage. We assist our customers in making informed and responsible purchasing decisions by making them aware of the eco friendly attributes of each product: 

Reusable Cups: most of our reusable cups consists of Bands and Lids made out of silicone and the cup is made out of food grade polypropylene.

Recyclable Products: Aluminium is an infinitely recyclable material with many environment benefits. They are cheaper than Stainless Steel products in general. 

Recycled Products: custom printed recycled pens, note books, notepads, journals, highlighters, lanyards, shoe laces, water bottles, pet bags, mouse pads, caps, masks, umbrella

Organic T Shirts: available in black, white, red, rope / tan for men and women. We also have a complete range of Baby Organic Clothing, which can be custom branded.

Biodegradable Bags: Environmentally friendly natural jute bags, custom printed with your logo. We also have a wide range of Branded Paper Bags & Biodegradable Packaging 


Subscribe with M&M Professionals below and start saving Christmas credits from shopping your Promo Products through out each financial year.


Michael Hiscock Linked in Profile