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Artwork Requirements

What we will need from you to get started!


Is the preferred file type for most promotional products branding is a Vector Illustrator EPS or PDF files.


(.eps, .ai files)

These are ideal files for the correct printing and reproduction of your logo on promotional products. We do what we can to reillustrate logos when we receive basic files. But it is time consuming task, and re-illustrating your logo costs from $85 to $250 to reillustrate depending on its complexity. The bonus is that we will then give you a copy of the file you've paid for which will come in useful if you ever want to do any printing, signage or design work with your logo, or any other branding other than your promotional products order.


Files with the .jpg extension are acceptable for embroidery or promotional products such as hats or promotional caps, but they have to be re-illustrated for printing and engraving of metallic promotional products. A high res .jpg file can also be used for printing digital or offset printing jobs, though it is not a preferred file type for most logo reproduction on promotional products.


(Portable Document Format) are becoming the industry standard for offset and digital printing of promotional merchandise and promotional products. They have only limited use for printing promotional products. A .PDF file is fine for embroidery but we have to reillustrate a .pdf logo if printing or engraving is required. Promotional Companies, Web Designers and Businesses also rely on PMS shades when they need to select, match and control colour. A printer's customer may request a particular shade, using a PMS identifying number taken from a PMS colour chart to ensure colour accuracy. Click on the colour image to download the chart guide


A colour matching system that has a unique number assigned to more than 500 different colours and shades and is the standard for the printing industry, it offers various shades of ink colour created by printing specified proportions and densities of primary colour on paper. For example, a particular shade of blue may be 50% cyan and 5% magenta on a white surface.


Embroidery is a process that utilises automated industrial embroidery machines to apply digitised logos to many different forms of products like Bags, Clothing , Caps, Towels etc and is costed according to the stitch count and not colours - so it does not matter how many colours appear in your logo, you will not be charged per colour as is the case in printing. Most Logos are generally about 7000 -9000 stitches.

M & M Professionals Branding Solutions

There are at least 15 different solutions to your business branding and business personality development. 
Please contact M & M Professionals to discuss which method / branding portfolio suits your merchandise 

Debossing (Artwork format: vector)

Debossing is produced by pressing a hot engraved metal plate into the surface of a product with a lot of pressure. This produces a permanent image below the products surface. This method has a higher initial setup cost.

Digital Media (Artwork format: vector)

This production method is used for printing media such as paper, vinyl and magnetic material used in the manufacture of labels, badges and fridge magnets etc. Please allow for the possibility of 3mm bleed in your artwork.

Digital Transfer (Artwork format: vector)

Digital transfers are used for branding fabrics and are printed on transfer paper using a digital printing machine then heat pressed onto the product. Only approximate PMS colours can be reproduced (not for metallic silver and gold)

Direct Digital (Artwork format: vector)

Direct to product digital printing involves the transfer of ink directly from the print heads of an inkjet machine to the product and can be used to produce both spot colour and full colour branding on flat or slightly curved surfaces (possibility of 3mm bleed)

Embroidery (Artwork format: vector)

Embroidery is an excellent way of branding bags, apparel and other textile products. It offers higher perceived value and a depth of branding quality which other processes can't match and the finished image has a slightly raised effect. Embroidery uses rayon thread.

Flatbed Screen Print (Artwork: vector)

Screen printing is achieved by forcing ink through a fine mesh screen with a squeegee onto the product and is ideal for branding flat or cylindrical objects. A set up charge is required for each colour. Close PMS matches are more difficult on darker products.

Full Colour Label (Artowrk format: vector)

Digital adhesive labels are used to brand products that cannot be branded with any other method. They are printed with a digital printing press and applied to the product. Please allow for the possibility of 3mm bleed. Metallic silver and gold colours are not available.

Imitation Etch (Artwork format: vector)

Imitation etch is a special pad printing ink used for producing an etch like effect on glass products. The size of branding areas is limited on curved surfaces. Minor print distortion may occur and products require a cooling period before they can be shipped. Much lower cost than real etching.

Laser Engraving (Artwork format: vector)

Laser engraving produces a permanent natural finish using a laser to mark the product. Different materials produce different effects when engraved so to avoid uncertainty pre-production samples are recommended. The size of branding area is limited on curve.

Pad Print (Artwork format: vector)

Pad printing uses a silicone pad to transfer an image to a product from a laser etched printing plate. It is one of the most popular and affordable ways of branding promotional products due to its ability to reproduce images on uneven or curved products and print multiple colours in a single pass. A setup charge is required for each colour.

Resin Coated Finish (Artwork: vector)

Resin coated finish is produced by printing the artwork onto a vinyl material with strong adhesive on the reverse. The branded area is coated with a crystal clear resin which is allowed to dry. Once dry, the finished decal is applied to the product and the adhesive forms a permanent bond. Please allow for the possibility of 3mm bleed.

Rotary Digital Print (Artwork: vector)

Direct to product rotary digital printing involves the transfer of UV ink directly from inkjet print heads and can be used to produce both spot colour and full colour branding. This method is more expensive, lead times is longer and metallic silver or gold can't be reproduced. PMS colours are only approximate.

Rotary Screen Print (Artwork format: vector)

Screen printing is achieved by forcing ink through a fine mesh screen with a squeegee onto the product and is ideal for branding flat or cylindrical objects. A setup charge applies for each colour. Close PMS matches are more difficult on darker products.

Sublimation Print (Artwork format: vector)

Sublimation print is used for branding products that have a special coating on them or fabrics suitable for this process. A transfer is produced by printing sublimation ink onto transfer paper and then heat pressing it onto the product. Suitable for white surfaces.

Colourflex Transfer (Artwork format: vector)

Colourflex transfers are a CMYK+W digital print process, used for branding apparel and fabrics. Ideal for producing full colour images (including gradients) as well as approximate spot colour branding. Eco friendly water-based inks.

Trademark Disclaimer

M & M Professionals (ABN: 28532651221), established in 2008 in Brisbane, Australia is the owner of ProDezign. Logos or messages displayed in this website , our brochures, or emails or any marketing materials, both printed and digital, are only for the purpose of demonstrating available decoration processes. We make no claims or suggestions, real or implied, that the owners of these logos or trademarks endorse M & M Professionals, or have purchased these products from M & M Professionals.